Please ensure that your bank card is activated for online purchases (see point 3 below)

  1. Click on the Sign Up button
  2. Select Yes or No to port your number
  3. Select your bank
  4. Click on continue
  5. Fill in the billing details and other fields
  6. Upload a clear photo or scan of your ID/Passport and recent proof of address (please ensure that this is not older than 3 months).  Rica is done online
  7. Create your unique UpCell Mobile username and password,  you will use this each time you log onto the UpCell Mobile website or App to purchase airtime and products
  8. Check your order details and specify shipping options.   UpCell gives you two options -
    1. Door to Door Courier
    2. Click-and-Collect is available near you  for example at Clicks, Caltex, Lewis, OK, Waltons, Spar The Body Shop and more
  9. Please make sure that you have a copy of your ID available on the day of delivery
  10. View cart details to ensure your order amount is correct
  11. Scroll down and proceed to Payfast

If you cannot proceed to Payfast, double check that all the fields are completed properly. When you scroll up to the top of the page, it will display which fields are missing

  1. At this point you will be redirected to the Payfast secure payment gateway
  2. Insert your bank card number
  3. Enter your cardholder details and CVV number which is the last 3 digits as it appears on the back of the card
  4. Click on pay
  5. A one-time pin (OTP) will be released to your phone to authorise the transaction
  6. Once authorised and payment is successful, you are now part of the UpCell Mobile network
  7. It’s that easy!


 Unsuccessful SIM card registration payment:

In the instance a payment does not go through successfully (perhaps due to bank card not being activated for online purchases  (see How do I activate my bank card for Online Purchases).  Please do the following:

  1. To complete payment at a later stage do not create a new account
  2. Log into your account with the same username and password that you created when you first signed up
  3. Click on the Shopping Cart at the top of your screen on the left
  4. Proceed with the transaction from the Shopping Cart, SIM Card and Membership Plan will still be displayed
  5. Check your order details and specify shipping options.   UpCell gives you two options -
    1. Door to Door Courier
    2. Click-and-Collect from Clicks, Caltex, Lewis, OK, Waltons, Spar The Body Shop and more
  6. Please make sure that you have a copy of your ID available on the delivery day
  7. View cart details to ensure your order amount is correct
  8. Scroll down and proceed to Payfast

If you cannot proceed to Payfast, double check that all the fields are completed properly. When you scroll up to the top of the page, it will display which fields are missing

  1. At this point you will be redirected to the Payfast secure payment gateway
  2. Insert your bank card number
  3. Enter your cardholder details and CVV number which is the last 3 digits as it appears on the back of the card
  4. Click on pay
  5. A one-time pin (OTP) will be released to your phone to authorise the transaction
  6. Once authorised and payment is successful, you are now part of the UpCell Mobile network.